Monday, September 10, 2012

What Would Happen If EVERYONE Cared?

What would happen if everyone cared? This is a question posed when introducing Challenged Based Learning today. Mrs. Morrow stressed to students that even though we are 8th grade students in O'Neill, NE, we really can make a difference with our writing. Students will look for problems they see in our school, community, and society in general, then choose something they are passionate about to focus on. They will then try come up with solutions for how to use their writing to make a difference with this problem. This will be an ongoing project students will work on throughout the school year. Take a look at Mrs. Morrow's website for more information: In other news, it is Homecoming Week and today's dress up day is Polka Dot Day. We are so glad that Lauren CARED enough to show her school spirit and dress up today! She earned the 8th grade class 10 points that will go towards the Class Spirit Award.